Pat McRoberts
Actors' Equity Association
"... the charm of Pat McRoberts builds to manic energy with agility to spare..."
TUTS Underground in Houston.
"Sara's safe option Michael is smartly played by Pat McRoberts. For a majority of the show he is sweet and low-key. He appears to be the antithesis to everything Tom is; however, Pat McRoberts subtly shows us how swiftly protective his Michael is of Sara and his family. As he becomes more and more provoked by Sara's weird behaviors, he shifts gradually from the unassuming "man in disguise" he once was. After the volatile confrontation in Central Park between Tom, Sara, and himself, Pat McRoberts comes to life with fury and vengeance as he masterfully wails, "I want to watch them bleed!" Coming into his own, the audience is excited and moved by his anger, and we wait with bated breath to see how everything will end."
"Pat McRoberts' tenor runs the gamut from sweet to electrifying."
- BroadwayWorld.Com

"His vocals on "Bring Him Home" are absolutely beautiful"
- BroadwayWorld.Com
"Jean Valjean, was portrayed by veteran actor Pat McRoberts who has a long and brilliant theatrical career. His astonishing voice and confident stage presence were totally magnetic."
- HarlanDaily.Com
Pat McRoberts' long association with the Boublil and Schönberg’s musical language in Les Mis and in Miss Saigon shows in a mature feeling, strongly sung and dramatic performance as the French peasant Valjean.